Referrer Log

by Bryan on 1/3/2003 at 9:56 AM in Weblog Applications

I've finally gotten around to implementing a referrer log for my little weblog app. Like most other things in the weblog app, it is usable for me, but probably still lacking if others were to use it.

I decided to create an HTTPModule to intercept incoming requests and log the referrer information. Currently, it ignores requests made from the site it is implemented in. This will probably change and become an configurable option, I just didn't care to see referrers to my site, from my site -- but others might.

One other "to do" is to create a server control for easily displaying the list of referrers.

Legacy Comments

BTW, I used the TrackBack Webservice to send the trackback from Chris' site myself -- just had to make sure it actually worked ;-).

Posted by on 1/3/2003 1:43:49 PM

wow.... scared me for a sec. I thought you had some wicked auto trackback voodoo goin on. :D

Posted by on 1/3/2003 4:28:50 PM