Hi! 👋 I'm Bryan and this is a website full of my stuff, whatever that means.
I acknowledge that I am living on the traditional land of the Comanche, Kickapoo, Tawakoni, Wichita, and Jumanos People.
I acknowledge that as a cishet white man, I've had an enormous amount of privilege in my life. Getting to the point of recognizing this has been a journey, one that is still a work in progress. I also recognize that given my privilege, I have an obligation to support those who don't share that privilege, in whatever way THEY need.
This is my personal site, where I inconsistently write about things that I'm doing or that are on my mind. Since 2002, the site has run on a homegrown ASP.NET-based CMS/blogging solution. The site used Blogger for the two years prior, and was an old-school static HTML site before that.
I live with my family in Texas, which is also where I grew up. The current state of affairs in Texas (i.e. the Republican-led fascist state government) is not something we support. However, our extended family is here, our roots are here, and we're not yet ready to cede Texas to the extremists.
I read a lot. I listen to a number of podcasts. I like to learn and I like to challenge the views I hold. I've also been known to challenge the views of others, especially when those views are founded in lies.
The mountains are my happy place, though I also enjoy a nice beach—a location with both would be perfect!
I am an adult-onset runner, though I don't run nearly as much as I once did. Between 2010-2011, I ran four half-marathons, and in 2014 I ran a marathon. I would consider running another marathon. I belong to the "cult" of Peloton and don't regret it one bit.
I've spent most of my career working in technology, first as a software developer, then as an architect, and now as a people leader. I've spent most of my career with the same company. I've also worked in retail, as a telemarketer, in customer support, and in marketing. Interestingly, while I enjoy cooking and baking, and even seriously considered culinary school at one point, I've never worked a food-based job.
Feel free to connect with me.
Last updated on Thursday, January 23, 2025