Archives for January 2019

My 5-Star Rated Books From 2018

Posted on 1/5/2019 to Books

In yesterday's post, I mentioned that of the 62 books I read in 2018, I rated 14 as 5-stars, meaning that I thought they were amazing, according to Goodreads' rating system. Since I also suggested that they would make a good list for anyone looking for books to read, I thought I'd do that here (yeah, I also wanted to knock out another post in 2019).

Title, Author

If you end up reading any of these, please leave a note, letting me know what you think.

My 2018 Year in Books

Posted on 1/4/2019 to Books

62. That’s how many books I read in 2018. I think that’s a lot of reading. Once again, I participated in the Goodreads Reading Challenge, with a goal of 52 books for 2018. I reached that mark in early September. Obviously I slacked off after that. However, I feel like I finished strong, with 5 books in December.

Continue reading My 2018 Year in Books...