Busy, Busy, Busy Part 2

by Bryan on 9/4/2000 at 6:12 PM in In General

So, let's see...last post was 7/31/2000. I guess it is time to post again.

A lot has happened since my last post. Mostly, life have revolved around my son, Jacob, and work.

Jacob is great! I never imagined that being a parent could be so fulfilling, yet so hard...and he is only 6 1/2 weeks old.

Work...ah work...well that is one thing that I could do without for a while. We are nearly finished with our current project, and it can't end soon enough. To say that I am looking forward to my next assignment would be a gross understatement. On the bright-side, I am going to a Web Developer's Conference in Las Vegas in 2 weeks. I can't wait!

One last note...check out my new favorite show, Bull.
