Jacob Turns 10, Sam Turns 12 (weeks)

by Bryan on 7/20/2010 at 3:57 PM in Family & Friends

Wow. It’s been a while, huh? As I’m sure you know by now, Julie and I have been very busy with our little baby boy, Sam, along with traveling all star baseball and t-ball. I’m sorry for not posting anything here, but I’m sure you’ve seen all of the details on Facebook or elsewhere.

Today is a very big day in our household, as it is Jacob’s 10th birthday (I know, can you believe it?!?), Sam is 12 weeks old, and Julie is back to work for the first time since Sam was born—all in the same day! Of course, this also means that Sam is now at daycare. Today is actually his second day there, as we took him yesterday for a while, so that today wasn’t such a HUGE day for him and Julie.

Sam seems to have done very well with his first day at daycare, and was in a very good mood for most of the evening. Julie also seems to have handled the first day away very well—she was smart and occupied herself with a spa day (part of her birthday present). It will be interesting to see what sort of effect daycare has on both of them.

As for the birthday boy, Jacob got to get the birthday celebrating kicked off a little early, with a trip to Houston this past weekend to visit my in-laws. While in Houston, Jacob got in some fishing, go-cart riding, movie watching, and of course some cake eating. The celebrating continued with breakfast food for dinner last night. Since he’s going to be with his mom this evening, he also got to open his gifts from us. The poor kid has been so busy with baseball this summer that he hadn’t taken the time to properly inform us of all the things he wanted, so Julie had to do some last minute shopping, after finally getting some ideas from him.

That’s it for now. I promise I’ll write again soon!