So what's been up with me lately, you ask?
Baby, baby, baby, and more baby. I knew that having a child would be very time consuming, but I never imagined that it would be this time consuming. Actually, I don't mind.
In addition to the baby, I have been working. Not too much, though. Not anything like this past August and September. I have decided to learn Java and JSP. In fact, my first order of business will be to port an application that I am currently developing using ASP over to JSP. As it gets closer to completion I will post links to both versions.
Down the road, ASP+ is looming large. I can't wait to get started using it. It pisses me off that MS announced it and VS.NET (along with VB.NET and C#) so far in advance of when they'll be released. I want it now!
That's it for now...