Lunch Time Swim

by Bryan on 6/18/2008 at 2:17 PM in Health and Fitness

I am working from home the rest of this week, and one of the apparent benefits is being able to go for a swim on my lunch break. That's right, I went for a 4-mile run this morning, and then I went for a swim on my lunch break. Crazy, huh?

The swim wasn't much, just 500 meters (20 lengths of a 25 meter pool) with about 30-35 seconds of rest in between each length. My total time was about 20 minutes, including the rest time.

This is the third time that I've swam laps since the end of May, and the second time actually swimming a known distance, in a lane. I still do not feel like I am that strong of a swimmer, but I feel like I am getting stronger. I focus on efficiency—keeping my head gaze at the bottom of the pool, not splashing about with each stroke, making sure I exhale in the water, before I come up for a breath, etc. I am getting there, slowly, but surely.

I am actually thinking of taking some lessons. Does anyone have experience with adult swim lessons? I'd be looking for something that might be an intro into swimming for triathlons, or something.