Archives for October 2000

Um, What Happened To 2000?

Posted on 10/17/2000 to In General

Where the hell has this year gone? I can't believe that we are past the mid-point of October already. Thanksgiving is around the corner, then those other holiday's, finally New Year's Eve. Wasn't New Year's Eve like just last week?

So what's been up with me lately, you ask?

Baby, baby, baby, and more baby. I knew that having a child would be very time consuming, but I never imagined that it would be this time consuming. Actually, I don't mind.

In addition to the baby, I have been working. Not too much, though. Not anything like this past August and September. I have decided to learn Java and JSP. In fact, my first order of business will be to port an application that I am currently developing using ASP over to JSP. As it gets closer to completion I will post links to both versions.

Down the road, ASP+ is looming large. I can't wait to get started using it. It pisses me off that MS announced it and VS.NET (along with VB.NET and C#) so far in advance of when they'll be released. I want it now!

That's it for now...